Accessibility at Highline College
Highline College is committed to providing an accessible campus. This includes our physical campus, our online presence, and classroom and campus technologies and materials, including those produced for and used by students, staff, faculty, and the public.
Comprehensive accessibility is an ongoing process. We are continuously identifying areas where we can improve and working to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of our communities and partners.
Highline College provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students, employees, and applicants with disabilities in accordance with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Federal Rehabilitation Act.
Accessibility for Students
To provide education to all those who seek it, Access Services at Highline College supports and assists students with disabilities with campus and classroom accommodations. If you need campus or classroom accommodations, please visit the Access Services website. If you are experiencing any accessibility barrier, even if you are not in need of specific accommodations, please feel free to email the Accessible Technology Committee with your concerns.
Accessibility for Employees
Access Services and Highline Human Resources collaborate to provide reasonable accommodations for employees and applicants. If you need accommodations for your job or the application process, please visit Highline College Human Resources.
Accessibility Liaisons
We are recruiting staff and faculty across the college to act as Accessibility Liaisons for their department. Liaisons will act as a first point of contact for answering accessibility questions and promoting accessibility techniques and Title II compliance within their department. For more information and to sign up, please see the Accessibility Liaisons information page.
Accessibility for the Public
If you are experiencing any accessibility barrier, even if you are not in need of specific accommodations, please feel free to email the Accessible Technology Committee with your concerns.
Accessible Technology
Accessible technology includes electronic documents, websites, videos, software applications, and hardware devices that can be used effectively by everyone, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities. The Highline College community is collectively responsible for assuring the technologies we choose, use, and create are fully accessible.
Training and Resources
Whether you’re new to thinking about accessibility, need a refresher, or have specific questions, we’re here to help! The following resources are at your disposal.
- General accessibility tips
- Tutorials (with more being added) for:
- Microsoft Word and Google Docs
- Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides
- Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets
- Adobe Acrobat (PDFs)
- Canvas (coming soon)
- Videos (coming soon)
- Evaluating, choosing, and purchasing new material
- Other training and resources
- PDF Remediation
- Accessibility FAQs